Update March, 2009 **
owners are sourcing or manufacturing the required parts and all
is on-track for the rebuild. Unfortunately, it will still be quite
some time before she's ready to fly.
5 April, 2008 **
due to a wheels up emergency landing, VH-BOB will not be flying
for while, but she certainly will be flying again ! I've
spoken with the owner a few times - we've formed something of
a "friendship" over the last several years since I took my joyflight
in VH-BOB and many people have booked a joyflight after visiting
my website.
They were first and foremost, extremely happy that no-one was
injured during this very well-executed landing and delighted to
learn that the passenger has offered (requested?) to be the first
passenger in VH-BOB when she's ready to fly again. Yes, of course
she'll fly again - no question!
here for a video of the landing
July, 2007 **
plane is undergoing its annual service at Pt Cook. We hope to
be back in the air by early September, 2007.
March, 2005 **
Avalon Airshow Weekend - Visit to VH-BOB Hangar
was lucky enough to catch up with Bob, his son Rob and of course,
VH-BOB at the hallowed hangar. Hover over pic for a description
and click on it for a larger photo
here for more photos
May, 2004 **
Engine Test Photos - Report from Owner
full power test run was carried out at night to achieve 3000 rpm
and 61 inches of boost, and to note the colour of the exhaust
to determine if it's running or rich or lean, burning oil etc.
Its an essential test! At full power the flames out of the exhaust
would be a foot long and the noise smacks you in the face!! Its
a awesome sight and sound!
Bugger - wish I'd been there ! )
19 April, 2004 **
finally contacted me to
let me know he was going for a flight. Of course I went
down to Point Cook to share in the excitement. And he was
excited before, after and (I'm sure) during. I took some
photos - have a look - Chris'
Mustang Flight Pics
11 February, 2004 **
Eastgate's Mustang VH-BOB
- A68-104 - will be at the
next Tyabb Airshow on March 14, 2004 - http://www.pac.asn.au
Airshow this year is advertized as having "the greatest
collection of Mustangs seen in Australia since World War
Two." All seven
owners of the Mustangs flying in Australia have said they
will be there! .... including the one I flew in (I spoke
with the owner today).
been to the last 2 Tyabb Airshows - and had a great time.
The Tyabb Airshow is smaller and "more intimate" than the
Australian International Airshow at Avalon - http://www.airshow.net.au/index1.html.
future, the Tyabb Airshow will be held every 2 years, as
is the Avalon Airshow - so there'll be Tyabb one year and
Avalon the next.

October, 2003 **
been contacted by the owners of VH-BOB - A68-104 ! It seems
that many people
have been ringing up for bookings after reading my site!
Furball's Website
Mustang page seems to be famous. LOL ....... BUT ..... only
one person has contacted me to invite me to watch their
fun, so here's Furball's
Email Address again. Here it is, SIX years after my
flight and the panting is still with me.
test runs of our new engine. We did a night run yesterday
evening (24 september, 2003) - quite spectacular and very
successful. The engine now has to be put into the plane,
the 100-hourly service undertaken and then
she will be ready to fly again. The rudder needs new fabric
and a whole host of other things and it looks like it will
be at least end of November. We still fly on Saturdays but
will do specific days if we get at least 4 to 6 people (and
of course an available pilot!!)
has been a big year for us, having finally completed our
ex-ANA Run Truck - you can see a picture of this in the
current Flight Path Mag. This has been a 13 year project!
- all good things come to he who waits. Thanks again for
mentioning us on your website and we look forward to meeting
you again sometime later in the year down at Pt. Cook."
Read the following
Book your flight
Have a ball !!!!!!!!
seeing a story on TV about Bob Eastgate's P-51 Mustang joyflights
at Point Cook, my wife organized one for my birthday. I
took the flight on 1 October 1997 and I still breathe hard whenever
I think about it! The day was perfect - the weather was
perfect and I had an excellent pilot who normally flew 747s.
mate came down to watch and share the excitement; he videotaped
the whole thing, as well as other flights taking off and landing.
A friend of his converted the video to a 250 MB AVI file (movie
on CD), which I still watch often.
used to recommend you take your own picnic/packed lunch and you
still can. However, since my flight, Point Cook has undergone
something of a population explosion. I can now recommend that
you visit the Waterfront
Cafe at Sanctuary Lakes for excellent, good-value meals.
the last flight if possible - I did and my flight was longer than
the advertized time - maybe just a fluke.
will experience straight flying, knife-edge, wingovers, 4G's,
but not aerobatics - they don't want to stress the plane <grin>.
you've heard me talk about my flight, you'll know that the 18-minute
video has a 45-minute accompanying "talk" babbling,
really <grin>. You'll also know that even though
my flight was back in October, 1997, I still get extremely excited
whenever I think/talk about it.
I probably won't do it again - everything was just perfect
- the weather, the pilot, etc. I had a Jumbo pilot named John,
who asked if I minded if he did some practice for an upcoming
airshow - mind? Hell, no! :-) Another flight could not be
as good.
you have even the slightest thought that you'd like to take
this flight, JUST DO IT!!! It's amazing how long a flight
can last - mine's lasted for years (grin).
Mustang is one of the greater fighter planes of WWII; it was even
used by Australia during the Korean War in the 1950s.
there are just 5 Mustangs still flying in Australia out of the
200 that were built here.
privately-owned Mustang based at Point Cook has been immaculately
restored and you can ride in this 50 year old plane!
rear cockpit is a little cramped, but the view is pretty good!
(If you're tall, it's great!) You are given a pair of headphones
and a mike, but the engine is so noisy that conversation is almost
engine is a Rolls Royce Merlin, 1700 horsepower that hurls the
Mustang through the sky at speeds up to 600 km/hr.
the flight you find out what it was like to be a fighter pilot
in WWII; the downside is that if you're not used to it, you can
get motion sickness. (I didn't, but had to remember the
pilot's instructions about emptying my lungs and holding my stomach
muscles tightly to stop my innards from being pushed out <grin>.)
feeling is nothing like flying in a modern plane; it is however,
just about the fastest motor sport around. They call the
mustang the "Cadillac of the skies".
you are at the base, the new display at the RAAF Museum is definitely
worth a look (entry via $ donation). There are lots of great
planes including souvenirs from the last plane flown by Manfred
Van Richthofen, the Red Baron! The museum is open Sat/Sun
from 10:00am till 5:00pm, phone 1902 240 553, Curator's phone
(03) 9256 1279. As a guide, allow 2-4 hours for a tour of
the museum. (I have to say I didn't do the museum - we were
getting too high, watching other flights.)
Mustang is based at the RAAF Museum (website
& Fur's
Fotos) at Point Cook about 30km west of Melbourne.
are available most Saturday afternoons, weather permitting.
Normally only 6 flights on the day. See Bob's website (below)
for more details - www.mustangjoyflights.com.au
Geelong Rd. from Melbourne
Laverton, past the Baseball Museum,
round bend, take the
first (of the 2) exits
on left to Point Cook
roundabout, sign to RAAF museum, 2-3 Kms, into
RAAF base - stop for Security Pass
the RAAF Museum, ahead
towards "the water", heading for the southern tarmac
and look for Hanger 211
and Mustang VH-BOB
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